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Algerian national identity card

The files of the national identity card application files are deposited at the level of one of the municipalities of the residence state for citizens residing in the national territory or at diplomatic and consular centers for citizens registered abroad
The application file consists of the national identity card?
In accordance with the provisions of Presidential Decree No. 17-143 of 04/18/2017, the national identification card is delivered to:

For students residing in Algeria
• A completed and signed form by the person concerned or the legal guardian in relation to the minor accompanied by:
Nationality Certificate.
• A valid residence certificate.
• Two photographs of identity, recent, in color and color, with a flat, frameless background, in white.

For students residing abroad
• A completed and signed form by the person concerned or the legal guardian in relation to the minor accompanied by:
Nationality Certificate.
• A copy of the consular registration card.
• Two photographs of identity, recent, in color and color, with a flat, frameless background, in white.

What are the cases for renewing the national ID card?
The national identity card can be renewed in the following cases:
• Within three (3) months preceding its expiration date.
• In the event that the information related to the applicant's civil status is changed.
• Upon reaching the age of 19 years, the holder of the national identity card.
• When declaring its loss, damage or theft.
- As for the case stipulated in the first point, the old national identification card will be withdrawn from its owner upon receiving the new national identification card.
- As for the case stipulated in the fourth point, its owner is obliged to report this immediately, to the nearest security authority or to the diplomatic and consular centers abroad.
What does the National ID Renewal File consist of?
The application file for renewing the national identity card consists of:
• A completed and signed form by the person concerned or the legal guardian in relation to the minor accompanied by:
• The expired national identification card or the declaration of loss, damage or theft.
• A valid residence certificate in the event of a change of residence.
• Sun photo of identity, modern, color, with unified background without frame, in white color.

How is the national identity card withdrawn?
• the national identity card is withdrawn by the person concerned,
• On the occasion of the withdrawal process, the personal information printed in the document is confirmed in the presence of the concerned person,
• The document is delivered to its owner in exchange for signing a receipt,
What is the shelf life?
The validity period of the national identity card is estimated at ten (10) years for adults and five (5) years for minors.


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