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Organizing weddings through chanting parties and committed parties in Algeria

Organizing weddings through chanting parties and committed parties in Algeria

The phenomenon of reviving weddings has emerged with hymns and commitment in various aspects related to the wedding of the newlyweds, a phenomenon that imams and preachers describe as an "awakening" after the outbreaks of clamor, extravagance and vulgarity in organizing weddings appeared in recent years, manifestations of gradually abandoning these shameful behaviors, and the spread of religiosity and commitment Among young people, hundreds of return to the proper path.
The phenomenon of organizing weddings has emerged through chanting teams and committed parties, active by singers, humorists, preachers and advocates of calm brown and organizing competitions, and this new trend won the admiration of many families who are fed up with the traditional organization on such occasions and try to keep up with the renewal, and this trend also attracts the attention of families for being It is inexpensive, and families show relief for this type of party, as it maintains everyone's respect and does not disturb others, in addition to avoiding staying up late until night, while the imams and preachers cheer for this change and urge to follow it in view of its benefits and avoidance Sins.


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